Microblading After Care
PMU Eyebrow After care Instructions: Keep your brows clean and out of debris and bacteria. You may clean it twice a day with water and a...
Microblading After Care
Microblading and Nano: What's the difference and which one is right for me?
Old Faded Microblading: Grey/Ashy Brows Correction
Healed Ombre Powder Brows
Healed Blade and Shade (Microblading with Shading)
Case Study: Correcting Brow Asymmetry
Audrey Hepburn's Iconic Eyebrows
Microblading for Men: The Benefits of Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Makeup
What to expect at your appointment
Healed Permanent Eyebrow
Color Correction: Blue, Red, Grey Brows
Microblading: What is the healing process like?
Microblading vs. Ombre Powder: Which Technique is Right for You?
Touch-Up Session
Why Feathered Ink?
My Brow Story